Датчики для регистрации данных потока, стандартной и нестандартной конфигурации, от мышей до более крупных животных.
Серия PS - датчики от нанозондов, которые которые измеряют расход <1 мл / мин, до стандартных датчиков для острых экспериментов. Для получения хороших, точных данных, рекомендуется подгонка сосуда к зонду на 75-95%. Каждый стандартный датчик для острого эксперимента имеет кабель длиной 100 см (кроме MA1.5PSL, который имеет кабель 60 см) и разъем CRA10.
PS Series
Mouse Nanoprobe, back exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (0.5). The MA0.5PSB (0.5) perivascular nanoprobe, back exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (CRA10 connector). Suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.3-0.5 mm such as the femoral or hepatic artery in mice or rats. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Mouse nanoprobe, lateral exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (0.5). The MA0.5PSL (0.5) perivascular nanoprobe, lateral exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (CRA10 connector). Suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.3-0.5 mm such as the femoral or hepatic artery in mice or rats. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Mouse nanoprobe, side exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (0.5). The MA0.5PSS (0.5) perivascular nanoprobe, side exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (CRA10 connector). Suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.3-0.5 mm such as the femoral or hepatic artery in mice or rats. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Mouse Nanoprobe, back exit (0.5) with custom features. Mouse Nanoprobe with back exit with custom configuration. Specify cable length and connector. Suitable for chronic use. Nanoprobes are special miniaturized PS - Series Flowprobes to measure mouse-sized blood flows of < 1 ml/min with Transonic Systems signature high resolution quality.
Mouse Nanoprobe, lateral exit (0.5) with custom features. The MC0.5PSL (0.5) perivascular nanoprobe, lateral exit, 60 cm with custome features is suitable formeasurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.3-0.5 mm such as the femoral or hepatic artery in mice or rats. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Mouse Nanoprobe, back exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (0.7). The MA0.7PSB perivascular nanoprobe (0.7), back exit, 60 cm cable w/handle (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.5-0.7 mm. The probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in mouse carotid or mesenteric arteries or portal vein as well as acute or chronic applications in rat carotid, superior mesenteric or renal artery. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Mouse Nanoprobe, back exit, (0.7) with custom features. The MC0.7PSB is a perivascular nanoprobe (0.7), back exit, with custom features. The custom features that MUST be specified and may incur extra cost. They include handle option, cable length, reflector type, connector type and calibration type. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, lateral exit, 60 cm cable (1.5). The MA1.5PSL precision S Flowprobe (1.5), lateral exit, 60 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.2-1.5 mm. The probe is ideal for measuring blood flow in the mouse ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe (1.5) lateral exit w/ custom features. Precision, PS-Series probe, lateral exit with custom configuration. Specify cable length and connector. For any vessel and chronic use (ideal for thoracotomy).
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (2). The MA2PSB Precision Flowprobe (2), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.5-2.0 mm. It is ideal for measuring blood flow in the rabbit jugular vein, portal vein and renal artery. It can also be used in the rat abdominal artery or portal vein. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (2). The MA2PSS Precision Flowprobe (2), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.5-2.0 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (2) with custom features. The MC2PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 2 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (2) with custom features. The MC2PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 2 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (2.5). The MA2.5PSB Precision Flowprobe (2.5), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, lateral exit, 100 cm cable (2.5). The MA2.5PSL Precision Flowprobe (2.5), lateral exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring of blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (2.5). The MA2.5PSS Precision Flowprobe (2.5), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (2.5) with custom features. The MC2.5PSB Precision Flowprobe (2.5), back exit with custom features Please specify reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe (2.5) lateral exit w/ custom features. The MC2.5PSL Precision Flowprobe (2.5), lateral exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring of blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (2.5) with custom features. The MC2.5PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.8-2.5 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (3). The MA3PSB Precision Flowprobe (3), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 2.5-3.7 mm. It is ideal for measuring blood flow in the rat ascending aorta or pig coronary artery (20-35 kg). Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (3). The MA3PSS Precision Flowprobe (3), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 2.5-3.7 mm. It is ideal for measuring blood flow in the rat ascending aorta. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (3) with custom features. The MC3PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 3 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (3) with custom features. The MC3PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 3 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (4) with custom features. The MC4PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a back exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 4 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (4) with custom features. The MC4PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 4 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (4). The MA4PSB Precision Flowprobe (4), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 3.3-4.4 mm. It is ideal for measuring blood flow in the sheep pulmonary artery, fetal sheep umbilical artery or the pig coronary artery (20-35 kg). Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (4). The MA4PSS Precision Flowprobe (4), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 3.3-4.4 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (6). The MA6PSB Precision Flowprobe (6), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 4.4-6.6 mm. It is ideal for measuring blood flow in the sheep pulmonary artery or fetal sheep umbilical artery. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (6). The MA6PSS Precision Flowprobe (6), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 4.4-6.6 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (6) with custom features. The MC6PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a back exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 6 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (6) with custom features. The MC6PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a side exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 6 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (8). The MA8PSB Precision Flowprobe (8), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 6.6-8.8 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (8). The MA8PSS Precision Flowprobe (8), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 6.6-8.8 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (8) with custom features. The MC8PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with a back exit, suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 8 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (10). The MA10PSB Precision S Flowprobe (10), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 8.3-11.0 mm. The probe is ideal for measuring blood flow in the dog inferior vena cava or pig portal vein (30 kg). Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (10). The MA10PSS Precision S Flowprobe (10), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 8.3-11.0 mm. The probe is ideal for measuring blood flow in the dog inferior vena cava or pig portal vein (30 kg). Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (106) with custom features. The MC10PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 10 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit(10) with custom features. The MC10PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 10 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (12). The MA12PSB Precision S Flowprobe (12), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 9.8-13.0 mm. The probe is ideal for measuring blood flow in the dog inferior vena cava. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (12). The MA12PSS Precision S Flowprobe (12), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 8.3-11.0 mm. The probe is ideal for measuring blood flow in the dog portal vein (10-25 kg). Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (14). The MA14PSB Precision Flowprobe (14), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 11.3-15.0 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (14). The MA14PSS Precision Flowprobe (14), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 11.3-15.0 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (16). The MA16PSB Precision Flowprobe (16), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 13.3-17.7 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (16). The MA16PSS Precision Flowprobe (16), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 13.3-17.7 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (16) with custom features. The MC16PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 16 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (16) with custom features. The MC16PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 16 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit, 100 cm cable (20). The MA20PSB Precision Flowprobe (20), back exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 16.0-21.0 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit, 100 cm cable (20). The MA20PSS Precision Flowprobe (20), side exit, 100 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 16.0-21.0 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, back exit (20) with custom features. The MC20PSB Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe with back exit suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 20 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision S Flowprobe, side exit (20) with custom features. The MC20PSS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable with side exit for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 20 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
PS Series
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