Датчики для регистрации данных потока, для острых или хронических экспериментов, когда для надежности необходимы головки чуть большей ширины.
Подходят для острых или хронических экспериментов. 1 и 1,5 мм. Для большей прочности нужна подгонка головки к зонду на 75-95%. Каждый датчик имеет кабель длиной 60 см и разъем CRA10. MA1PRB, MA1PRS – для измерений кровотока в сосудах 0,7-1,2 мм. Подходит для измерения кровотока в брюшной аорте мыши, воротной вене и легочной артерии. Также для использования в бедренной, сонной, брыжеечной и почечной артериях крыс. MA1.5PRB – для измерений кровотока в сосудах диаметром 1,1 – 1,8 мм (сонной артерии кошки, обезьяны, коронарной артерии собаки).
PR Series
Precision R Flowprobe, back exit, 60 cm cable (1). The MA1PRB Precision Flowprobe (1), back exit, 60 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.7-1.2 mm. This probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in the mouse abdominal aorta, portal vein and pulmonary artery. It is also suitable for use in the rat femoral, carotid, mesenteric and renal artery. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision R Flowprobe, side exit, 60 cm cable (1). The MA1PRS Precision Flowprobe (1), side exit, 60 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 0.7-1.2 mm. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision R Flowprobe, back exit (1) with custom features. The MC1PRB Precision R-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision R Flowprobe, side exit (1) with custom features. The MC1PRS Precision S-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision R Flowprobe, back exit (1.5) with custom features. The MC1.5PRB Precision R-Series Flowprobe is a custom flowprobe suitable for chronic measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.5 mm. Custom features must be specified, including, size, series cable orientation, reflector, cable length, connector and calibration. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
Precision R Flowprobe, back exit, 60 cm cable (1.5). The MA1.5PRB precision R Flowprobe (1.5), back exit, 60 cm cable (CRA10 connector) is suitable for acute measurements of blood flow in vessels of diameters 1.1-1.8 mm. The probe is suitable for measuring blood flow in the cat carotid or celiac arteries, monkey carotid and dog coronary artery. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.
PR Series
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