From May 18 to 20, 2021 Neurobotics LLC and Neurolab CMIT together with the Institute of Online Education of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation held a hackathon on creating neuro-games "</be_Neuro>".
We received 23 applications for participation (students of the Institute of Online Education, the Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis, the College of Informatics and Programming of the Financial University), 11 of which managed to reach the final - to complete and present their neurogames to the jury.
The EEG gadgets used for the games were NeuroPlay dry active electrode headsets.
21.05 organizers summed up the results and awarded:
1st place - team DAT4, game "SAVE?" (Oleg Zhuravlev, Nazar Ignatyev, Kirill Kondobarov, Kirill Bolovlenkov);
2nd place - Sukhachev Igor, game "Flappy Brain";
3rd place - RUSDRILL team, game "Infinite Runner" (Trunov Kirill, Kovalyk Artem, Sedov Semen, Tarasov Matvey).
Neurobotics Group congratulates the winners and participants who did not give up and were able to create their own neurogames and expresses special thanks to Tatyana Chekalina and Lyudmila Aleksandrova for the high level of organization of the event.