Накладные датчики для регистрации данных потока, наружный диаметр 3-32 мм

Датчики данной серии обеспечивают полную физическую и электрическую изоляцию между датчиком и жидкостью и, таким образом, идеально подходят для быстрого, повторяемого теста без прерывания потока.

Снято с производства

Датчики данной серии обеспечивают полную физическую и электрическую изоляцию между датчиком и жидкостью и, таким образом, идеально подходят для быстрого, повторяемого теста без прерывания потока. Применяется при работе искусственного сердца, разработке медицинского оборудования, насосов. Каждый датчик поставляется с 2-хметровым кабелем и 16-пиновым разъемом CC16.


PXL Series

Технические характеристики


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (1/8-3/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 1/8-3/16" (3.1-4.8 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 4mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 4mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (3/16-1/4" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 3/16-1/4" (4.8-6.4 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 5mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 5mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (1/4-5/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 1/4-5/16" (6.4-7.9mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 6mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 6mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 7mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 7mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (5/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 5/16" (7.9mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 8mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 8mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (3/8" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 3/8" (9.5mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 9mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 9mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (7/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 7/16" (11.1mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 10mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 10mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (1/2" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 1/2" (12.7mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 12mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 12mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (9/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 9/16" (14.3mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 14mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 14mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (5/8" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 5/8" (15.9 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 16mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 16mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (11/16" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 11/16" (17.5 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (3/4" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 3/4" (19.1 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types.Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 20mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 20mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (7/8" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 7/8" (22.2 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 23mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 23mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (1" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 1" (25.4 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (Metric - 25mm OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in metric increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 25mm. Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.


Precision XL Tubing Flowsensor (1 1/4" OD). A clamp-on tubing flowsensor to measure flow without interruption with a Tubing Flowmeter Module (purchased separately) in laboratory tubing sized in 1/16” increments. This sensor size is for tubing with an outer diameter of 1 1/4" (31.8 mm). Flowsensors are factory calibrated and programmed for up to 4 different fluid (i.e. blood, saline, other), temperature, tubing type, and flow rate/ranges combinations and therefore require all 4 information types. Supplied with a 2m cable and CC16 16-pin metal connector as standard. Please consult your nearest ADInstruments Office or representative for the most suitable probe for your application.




PXL Series

Накладные датчики для регистрации данных потока, наружный диаметр 3-32 мм

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