Our own products are presented on a dedicated website rat-house.ru and are briefly described below. We also supply products of companies ADInstruments, MazeEngineers, OpenScience, WPI, DMT and Noldus. You can order this equipment through Catalog.

Our products

Hardware and software complex Shelter

The "Shelter" hardware and software complex is designed for the automated determination of cognitive functions (learning and memory) of laboratory animals based on the avoidance reaction of an electrocutaneous stimulus. The "Shelter" allows testing for mice or rats.

Hardware and software complex Rotarod+

The complex is designed to determine motor-coordination disorders according to the ability of small laboratory animals (rats and mice) to stay on a rotating drum.

Wireless system for registration and analysis of ECG animals Physiobelt

The Physiobelt system is designed for long-term recording and transmission over the radio channel of an ECG signal with a polling frequency of 500 Hz and is used as part of a computer system that provides wireless data reception and processing when examining the ECG of medium and small animals (rabbits, guinea pigs, rats).

Rodent non-invasive blood pressure measurement system Systole

"Systole" is intended for non-invasive measurement of systolic and diastolic pressure from the tail of small and medium-sized rodents: rats and mice.

Platform Phlogiston

Autonomous heating platform-thermostat for small and medium-sized rodents. Allows you to warm up the rodent to the required temperature, to keep the specified temperature for a long time. Can be used together with the "Teremoque" rodent fixator for use in the "Systole" blood pressure measurement system.

Рестрейнер Teremoque

Restraining device (restrainer, retainer) for fixing rodents: rats, mice or guinea pigs during physiological experiments.

Software Minotaur

Provides automatic tracking of the movement of a rodent (rat or mouse) in the maze with the calculation of all the main statistical indicators of activity.